LGBT Weddings & Engagements
LGBT Weddings & Engagements
we don't take pictures - we make memories
we treat all our clients with the same respect
When we’re free to love anyone we choose…
When this world’s big enough for all different views…
When we all can worship from our own kind of pew…
Then we shall be free.”
Garth Brooks
Mykey Day Photography is critically acclaimed for delivering a unique high-end style of Fine-Art wedding photography, with nods towards fashion photography and photojournalistic styles. We cater for clients who are not just looking for ‘a photographer’ but instead who want an artist who will tell the story of their day in the most artistic and beautiful way possible.
What do we mean by Fine-Art Wedding Photography? Specifically we mean that we produce fabulous imagery that doesn’t just look good on mobile phone screens, but would sit comfortably as a piece of wall-art in your home. We produce high-definition & vibrant imagery without the need for retro filters or photoshop. Natural colours in the scene “pop,” giving the image a beautiful, timeless aesthetic.
Please find some examples below.